EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Lizzy Gold Onuwaje goes hairless, tattooed for movie role

There are many parts to the budding actress, Lizzy Gold Onuwaje, former Delta State beauty queen.
lizzygoldJust when you thought you have got an angle on her, there is always another part of her creeping up. She once declared to Potpourri that she would never marry a poor man or a struggling man. She also declared in the same interview that bank alerts turn her own. What a mean streak, you would want to say, but Lizzy has a heart of gold. Out of her earnings she sponsors some indigent students in the university. Now, how many Nigerians could do that fairly and squarely?
Unlike many of her peers, she doesn’t even have a tattoo. Even one that is being printed on her recently is mainly to pull off an act in her upcoming movie. “ Yeah I got this tattoo for a movie. It would be on my body for three months. It is a semi permanent tattoo” she said.
“It is my first tattoo. I have it to play a role in a movie. The movie is Golden House and I am playing the lead role. I also shaved my hair for the movie

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