EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Husband-To-Be 4 Crazy Things A Groom Can Do On His Wedding

Husband-To-Be4 Crazy Things A Groom Can Do On His Wedding

Your wedding doesn't have to be all solemn and clean cut. Add a little spice to the celebration by doing these crazy things.
A groom dancing with his bride.
Weddings are not just designed for the joining of two happy lovebirds in holy matrimony, it is also a time for family and friends to celebrate the couple and have a great time.
It is understood that grooms don't have much to do in their wedding but this is not quite true. It's your day and you have full right to enjoy it to the fullest.
Here are 4 crazy things a groom can do on his wedding:
  1. Take A Trip To Las Vegas: Depending on your budget, you can take a fun trip to Vegas. You don't necessarily have to go wild and crazy but it wouldn't hurt to take a little runaway from your daily schedule before your wedding. It will give you a mental peace and calmness. Since Vegas is the ultimate destination to have 'fun,' you can try some witty things as well. Drink like you never did, dance to fullest and get charge up for your D-day but please don't leave any witness or evidence behind. It's risky!
  2. Stripper at your bachelor party: After returning from your 'peaceful' holiday, you will get involved in back to back wedding preparations. Bachelor party is the only day where you can actually enjoy! Having strippers in party is common in west but in this side of the world, it is still regarded as a taboo. Now if you want a full entertainment, you have to be a bit risky too. Remember this is the time, it's now or never. Since it is your party, you should enjoy every bit of it.
  3. Get the first glimpse of your girl as a bride: Yes, it sounds too filmy but the feeling you will get at that moment, trust us it will be ultimate. Reach the respective parlour where your wife is getting ready and be the first person to see her as the bride. Even your would-be wife will be touched by your gesture. In many cultures, it is believed that bride and groom should not meet before wedding, but since she is your lady love it is your right to see her first as bride.
  4. Cake fight in reception: When your wedding is getting to be so fun-filled and entertaining, how can your reception be dull? It is often seen that the newly wed couple cut cake on reception. So now when you cut your wedding cake, don't forget to have a cake fight with your wife like you did with your friends during college days.

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