EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Bill Cosby. Janice Dickson accuse Cosby

Bill Cosby has been in the press a lot lately, but not for the right reasons. A failed Twitter Meme contest has caused skeletons to rise from his closet, many involving sexual assault and rape charges both old and new. The latest accusation comes from…
…formal model and Next Top Model host, Janice Dickinson.
“He gave me wine and a pill. The next morning I woke up, and I wasn’t wearing my pajamas, and I remember before I passed out that I had been sexually assaulted by this man.”
Dickinson said that the incident occurred when she was discussing a role on “The Cosby Show” back in 1982. Dickinson decided to finally share her story to validate the women that came out before her, and not for personal gain or notoriety.
“I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do, and it happened to me, and this is the true story. I believe all the other women.”
Dickinson took to Entertainment Tonight to fully express her feelings in an interview.

Netflix was set to release Bill Cosby’s stand up special, Bill Cosby 77but due to the unceasing allegations against him, Netflix opted to pull the show.

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