EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Monday 17 November 2014

First British Man Jailed For ‘Revenge Porn’ After Posting Pics Of Ex

A father has become the first person in Britain to be jailed under new laws governing ‘revenge porn’ after he posted explicit snaps of an ex on the communication service Whatsapp. 

Luke King, 21, had been warned by police twice before he posted the X-rated images, which were taken for the couple’s private use. 

He was prosecuted under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 after he posted explicit images as his profile picture – allowing all his contacts to see the images. 

Peter Shergill, district crown prosecutor at the CPS East Midlands, said: ‘This kind of malicious use of intimate material online is a vindictive crime that leaves victims humiliated and devastated. 

‘Prosecutors are now following guidance issued in October this year that clarifies how we can use existing legislation to prosecute perpetrators of these intrusive offences.

‘In this instance, because Luke King had threatened his victim and posted multiple pictures of her on social media, a charge of harassment was brought. 

‘He pleaded guilty to the offence and has been imprisoned and the victim now has the reassurance of a restraining order that will prevent any further contact from King. 

‘This is the first case of its kind in Derbyshire since the new guidelines came into effect and is a sharp reminder that these offences will be taken seriously and we will use a range of legislation to secure justice for its victims. 

‘I would like to thank the victim for her courage in bringing this matter to the attention of the authorities and her support in bringing Luke King to justice.’

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