EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Thursday 4 December 2014

Being Robbed At Gun Point.

Many years ago, I boarded a Bus going to Okokomaiko where my Dad has a house and along the way,the man who sat in Front with me brought out a small gun and told the driver to ''PARK!''.

The driver ignored him and kept driving and then whilst i was wondering if it was a real gun in my frozen state of mind,the thief fired......he shot at the driver!

The bullet scraped my hand and took off some skin but i didn't know that until later when i saw blood and screamed...

When he shot and i saw smoke and smelt it,I was two seconds away from fainting when the driver stopped.There were others thieves from the gang seated at strategic places inside the 24 seater Bus and they collected everything we had.

My bag had my 3 phones,copies of interviews I had transcribed,one thousand naira in 20 naira notes,photos,my first engagement ring,tooth brush,a new okrika top that i never had the chance to rock after paying ten naira extra to purchase it ......They took stuff from everyone and ran away into the dark night
after asking us to lie down flat on the ground and PRAY!

For weeks on end i wasn't myself and any noise i heard made me startle in fear.

I am still not over that experience  and quite honestly i don't know how to forget seeing a gun pointed my way and having the bullet miss me.It was a miracle.

Has anyone on this blog,reading this now ever being robbed at gun point?have you ever seen the nozzle of a gun and said your last prayers?
That is what happened to my friend Laila Ijeoma who runs Laila's blog and I am happy that she LIVES to tell the story today.

Join me in Thanksgiving for sparing the life of Ijeoma.....She is a journey that is good and armed robbers have no right ending her life..Thank God!

Do you wanna share your 'Robbed at gun point' experience and how you over came the fear/shock?

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