EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Thursday 16 October 2014

A man who was jailed for raping a 13-month-old baby is back behind bars after he was caught with thousands of indecent images of children.

James Taylor was first jailed in 2003 for sexually assaulting a baby girl, but was released early in 2008.
His son and daughter alerted police after discovering indecent images of children on the 53-year-old's laptop.
Taylor, from Falkirk, was sentenced to a year in prison, along with a further year from his original rape sentence.
There was outcry when Taylor was originally jailed for five years after photographing himself raping the 13-month-old while living in Grangemouth in 2003.
The sentence was later increased to eight years on appeal, along with a five-year supervision order after his release.
Guilty plea
However, when Taylor's son visited him in June 2013 he saw him using a laptop and realised his father was barred from using the internet as a registered sex offender.
The son and one of his sisters discussed the matter, and when they checked back in August they found the laptop in their father's bedroom.
When they discovered it contained a large number of indecent images of children, they removed it and contacted police.
Officers found 5,240 still indecent images, along with 464 film clips on the laptop, which a computer expert said dated back to the 2003 case.
The court heard that the same images were found in 2003, and Taylor had hidden a copy of them before transferring them on to his laptop after his release.
Having earlier pleaded guilty to possessing indecent images, Taylor was last week ordered to serve a further 12 months of the rape sentence.
The High Court in Glasgow has now added a one-year term for possessing the abuse images, which will start from the end of that period.

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