EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Thursday 16 October 2014

A man who killed his wife and young son in Midlothian has been jailed for a minimum of 25 years

Garry Lockhart, 33, received a life sentence for killing Janet Lockhart, 29, and their two-year-old son Michael at their home in Bonnyrigg on 28 December 2013.
Judge Lady Wise told Lockhart at the High Court in Edinburgh that his actions had been "wicked".
She said he had paid no regard to their suffering or the value of their lives.
The funeral director had offered a guilty plea to murdering his wife and the culpable homicide of his son.
However, this plea, made on the grounds of diminished responsibility, was rejected by the Crown.
He was found guilty of both murders after a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.
The court had heard that he murdered his wife and son after arriving home from a night out drinking.

Janet Lockhart and her son MichaelJanet Lockhart strangled by husband Garry before son Michael was also killed at their home in Bonnyrigg
He said he had "snapped" after a row with Janet and strangled her.
Lockhart sat on a couch next to her body for a while and then began to think of what would happen to Michael with his mother dead and his father in jail for her murder.
The court heard how Lockhart had said he had not had any thoughts of killing Michael before attacking his wife. It was only after killing his wife that he decided to smother Michael and kill himself.
Lady Wise said: "Your actions have devastated your family and in particular your parents-in-law who have lost a precious daughter and a grandson to whom they were devoted.
"Nothing can be said today that will alleviate in any way the incalculable loss that they, and all those who knew and loved Janet and Michael, have suffered."
The judge added: "To murder a vulnerable child who trusted and depended on you was a particularly wicked, unfathomable act. Your actions now require the imposition of a severe punishment."
Det Ch Insp Scott Cunningham, from Police Scotland's major investigation team, said Janet and Michael's family have been devastated by Lockhart's "incomprehensible actions".
He added: "No sentence can alleviate their pain and I would like to pay tribute to them for their immense dignity and strength throughout the investigation and trial."

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