EverDwell Uk

EverDwell Uk

Sunday 26 October 2014

‘I won’t be caught wearing purple lipstick’ – Bimbo Oshin (BEAUTY SECRETS OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS)

BUBBLY and astounding actress Bimbo Oshin (a mother of two children), is married to popular film marketer Ola Ibironke of Dudu Heritage.  In this brief encounter she shares her unending love for perfume and beauty secrets with us…
 How would you describe your style?
My style is a function of the woman that I am.  Simple, elegant and not afraid to try new things.  I don’t follow trends. I think every woman must understand her body and wear what works best for her.  You must flatter your figure. I don’t wear what is seasonal.  For me, simplicity is the key.
What is the best beauty advice that you have ever received and from who and where?
The best beauty advice I have ever received was from my big sister many years ago.  It was as simple as wash your face every morning and night before you go to bed.  As simple as it sounds it has really helped me especially now because of my kind of job as we constantly change our looks.  Many people don’t know that sleeping with makeup on causes break-outs, because of excess oil on your skin.  It is very important to wash your face before you sleep, especially if you had makeup on during the day.  Now that I am a bit older, I have gotten used to the idea and I never go to bed without washing my face which has helped me to achieve a flawless face.
What do you do to keep in such good shape?
Actress-Bimbo-OshinTo keep in shape, I watch what I eat. I don’t diet.  I don’t eat after 7 p.m.  At least, I try not to and of course, exercise is good.  I hit the treadmill at least once a week. I dance a lot too.
I find dancing most interesting.  It helps the heart and keeps you in good shape.  I drink lots of water too. It works wonder.
What won’t you be caught dead wearing?
I won’t be caught dead wearing purple lipstick except I am on set.
What’s your fashion fetish?
Perfumes. I can’t go anywhere without wearing perfume.
What do you do to pamper yourself?
A day at the spa. As often as I can, I get away from everything and give myself a treat.  I have this favourite spa place, I go there to have what I call ‘a day at the spa’.  I have everything from facials to a full massage, manicure, pedicure and sauna.  I leave feeling very relaxed.
Would you ever consider plastic surgery?
I wouldn’t say yes or no to plastic surgery.  Time will tell.

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